Raat Rani

Flowers are the best and liveliest source of good smell So, if you are thinking of growing flowering plants in your garden then you can enjoy refreshing fragrance daily by growing Raatrani.

What makes it special:

  • Wonderful fragrant flowering plant.
  • Provide year-round flowering.
  • Very easy to grow and care for.
  • The perfect plant for an outdoor garden and sunny balcony.

The Raat Ki Rani belongs to the Solanaceae family. Raat ki rani is an evergreen woody shrub growing tall. The leaves are simple, narrow lanceolate long and broad, smooth and glossy, with an entire margin.

The flowers are greenish-white, with a slender tubular corolla long with five acute lobes when open at night, and are produced in cymose inflorescences. A powerful, sweet perfume is released at night. This sprawling shrub has glossy, smooth, simple leaves, vine-like stems. It blooms in cycles throughout warm weather. Greenish-creamy white tubular flowers rise from above leaves along the stem, followed by shiny white, fleshy berries.

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Planting And Care


  • 3-6 hrs of sunlight is ideal for flowering and plants can grow well in natural indirect bright light for rest of the day.


  • The soil should be well-drained and fertile, rich in organic content.


  • Poke your finger/plain small stick into the soil to check the moisture.
  • Apply 4 cups (Approx. 200 ml) of water when the topsoil (1-2 inches) in the pot feels dry to touch.
  • Apply water probably in the morning or evening time.
  • Do not overwater the plant.
  • As a rule of thumb, water the plant thoroughly in the summer and reduce watering in the winter and rainy seasons.

Application of Fertilizer

  • Before the application of fertilizer loosen the topsoil without disturbing the roots of the plant so it can uptake the nutrients and moisture.
  • During the main growing season (Feb to April, July to Sep) feed the plant with organic fertilizer once a month.
  • Apply water immediately after the application of fertilizer.
  • Do not apply fertilizer when the plant is in flowering condition.

Plant Protection

  • Remove dead, infected, or damaged plant parts and discard them away from the plants.
  • For any insect attack or disease, you can use Neem oil, Eucalyptus oil, or Citrus oil spray for primary treatment.


  • Do not overwater the plant especially when the pot does not have drainage holes.
  • Avoid applying water on flowers and leaves it may cause fungus infection.
  • Do not apply fertilizer when the plant is in flowering condition.


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