
Shami is highly revered among Hindus and worshipped as part of the Dasara festival. This tree is a small moderate-sized evergreen thorny tree, with slender branches armed with conical thorns and with light bluish-green foliage.

Prosopis cineraria is a species of flowering tree in the pea family, Fabaceae. Leaves are double compounds. The leaflets are dark green and have a tiny point. The tree is evergreen or nearly so. It produces new flush leaves before summer.

The flowers are small in size and yellow or creamy white in color, appear from March to May after the new flush of leaves. The pods are formed soon thereafter and grow rapidly in size attaining full size in about two months’ time.

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Planting And Care


  • It is well adapted to the arid conditions and stands well to the adverse vagaries of climate and browsing by animals.
  • Choose the sunniest spot in your garden.
  • Water the plant during the only growing season.
  • Also, prepare the soil with fertilizers and plant feed before planting the tree.


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